Helloooooo Headshot! | Vancouver Portrait Photographer

Hellooooooo Headshot!  What a great time to update yours!  I’ve got a fabulous thing going here – it’s BIRTHDAY MONTH so all headshot/’character portrait’ sessions have a $35 savings!

That’s right!  Book your session in March and get a fancy-pants, brand spankin’-new portrait/online profile/headshot/picture-to-print-and-put-on-the-fridge.

Well here we go!  Click —-HERE—- and send me your contact info so we can get this started.

Helloooooo Headshots!

So what’s involved with a headshot session, you ask?

Well, it includes a consultation, photography time and a password-protected online gallery to choose your image.  Book a one-location + one-retouched digital file session in March for $165 (reg. $200) or a two-location + three-retouched digital files session for $265 (reg. $300).

And BIRTHDAY MONTH magic goes even farther!  Save $35 on each additional print-ready digital file!  That’s right – in March, all high resolution, ready-to-print digital files from headshot sessions are $60 (reg. $95).

So don’t delay – I’m not getting any younger!  Contact Marlis at 604.836.9209 and let’s do this.

©Marlis Funk 2014