Happy First Anniversary Rosemin & Abdul! | Vancouver Wedding Photography

A year ago yesterday, Abdul and Rosemin were married at the Ismaili Centre in Burnaby.  Their wedding was a colourful and sweet event, and I was honoured to have shared the day with the couple and their families!

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RA-Wed blog 5 - Photo by Marlis FunkThe Ismaili Centre is a beautiful place.  The symmetry was amazing!  Inside there were ‘internal minarets’, which were fun to photograph in.  I love to create interesting and unique portraits in the middle of all the excitement of a wedding day.

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The Ceremony was special – full of blessings, wisdom and laughter.  Some of the ceremony was only heard by the eight people at the front of the room (and me… what an honour!).

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I loved all the colours!

RA-Wed blog 1Happy Anniversary Rosemin & Abdul!  All the best in years to come.

©Imaging by Marlis

Contact Marlis for more information on Wedding Photography.

(Thanks to Caelie for the assist that day!)