Day One: Family | Christmastide – 12 days of blogging
I’m excited for the 12 days of blogging that will coincide with Christmastide (the twelve days of Christmas). It’s a series of blog posts of photos I haven’t had a chance to post!
Since it’s Christmas day today, I thought the first post would be about my family. Well… primarily my nieces and nephew, as they are so fun and growing up so fast. This year I’ve stayed in Vancouver for Christmas and, while I saw my (Saskatchewan) niece in October and I will see my (Ontario) niece and nephew in January, I still miss them lots and lots today!!!
This is my family (summer 2012):
My (Saskatchewan) niece Norah:
And my (Ontario) niece Anna and nephew John:
John & Anna were pretty excited about bike riding this summer.
The cousins came to visit this summer!
We made ice cream at Grandpa’s house.
We visited Doc’s Town Heritage Village.
This little one is done for the day!
I went back home this October because my Grandpa passed away. Grandpa was 90. I miss him.
It was nice to be home then – it was almost Norah’s first birthday! I was able to take some family photos for the special occasion.
She’s such a fun age for play!
So much to discover – like strawberries and pineapple!
And books are her favourite.
I’m looking forward to visiting John & Anna in their new house this January – I’m sure I’ll have more pictures to share from that visit!
Merry Christmas!
©Marlis Funk 2012
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